TINA is a dog who loves to do it all, with style. A bold rollicking pup has turned into a lovely lady who will go through hell and high water for a bird in the field and command a place on your lap when you hit the recliner at days end. She is a thoughtful dog, often bringing us dropped socks or pieces of mail we missed. She has proven to be an excellent mom and passes on her traits to her pups. Tina's pedigree which includes 16 Field Dog Hall of Fame members is apparent in her drive and perseverance.
See her biography on her page under our girls. Tina loves water and retrieving both on land and water. You can feel the earth rumble when this little red rocket is sent on a retrieve.
Between the two of them Roy and Tina have about 30 Field Trial Hall of Fame ancestors in five generations If you want a hunting companion or a performance dog to play any dog game wish, or a loyal friend to cuddle with these pups will fill the bill to overflowing. Pups are available now. Please call Greg at 715-441-7711.