March 18th, 2020
Greg and Sue
I hope you guys are doing well and are staying healthy. I just wanted to share a picture of Cabela and Ruger. They are both doing really well and Ruger is just a sweet girl. Thank you guys!
March 7th, 2020 Hi Susan and Greg,
I did get Ellie to a 6 week puppy class in Dec./ Jan. and she did better than the other puppies and was the only one who waited at an open door until she was told she could go through it – so she got her name on the wall of honor. At the end of each of class, the pups were divided into two groups – small and shy group and a group for rowdy pups. Ellie was with the latter group and ran rings around the other pups – they couldn’t catch her when playing tag. At the end they were tired and she was ready for more action. Ellie loves people and comforts me. She is very energetic but also has an off switch, settles down and likes to snuggle. Spike, my other golden, has been her favorite chew toy. I think my biggest challenge will be training her to greet people calmly and without jumping on them. She learns other things quickly. She’s food motivated, but it’s hard to find a food as good as greeting a person. Tomorrow night we start a 6 week pre-agility puppy class. Then we’ll start a puppy agility class. A couple of people I know already have reservations on puppies that Cruz is siring, but one might be interested in an Ellie sibling. So, yes, I agree with a repeat breeding. My instructors think she is a good dog. So do I. She’s a great foot warmer. Carolyn
March 7th, 2020 Hi Greg, Toby will be 7 years old on April 5. He is from the 2013 Quest and Yukon Copper liter. He is a happy and healthy boy who thrives on our Wisconsin farm. He is beautiful and dark red. Thank you for bringing “the blue boy” into our lives. Darcy
March 10th, 2020
Hi Greg, Hope all is well with you and your newest retrievers! Wanted to let you and your wife know that Brandy has turned out to Be an exceptional hunter and loving member of the family. She has tremendous athletic ability and a nose to match. This spring, we’ll start her water training to compliment her field work. She’s not had her first heat yet and we are keeping an eye on that. Wondering if we will even get her spayed since she is such good hunting stock. We walk daily and when at the lake swim daily. She loves the outdoors and is a very well behaved girl – although super excited whenever a bird is near. Most enjoyable to see her in action in the field. She looks out the window for hours both at home and the cabin (has her own window chair at both). While I’m working at home she casually sleeps at my feet. Rarely barks, but is super attentive to her surroundings and a good watch dog. WE are very happy with our new family member and she continues to impress. Best regards, Vince
February 20th, 2020 Sue, Tomorrow my guy Worf (Top Flights Cayuga Klingon) turns 8. I just wanted to shoot you a quick update and again thank you for trusting us with him. He has 15 Master passes, obedience and agility titles. Most importantly he is my best bud. No one believes he is 8. Folks who don’t know him think he is about 18 months old! I am still actively training and competing with him. My goal is another 5-10 Master passes this summer and a CDX this year. I have been very lax on obedience showing. But I have recently retired and we moved to Ohio so I have more time and space. Ann
December 19th, 2018
Hi Greg and Susan,
I hope all is well. I wanted to let you know that my boy, Scout, has turned out to be a tremendous retriever and and loyal companion. I am an avid duck hunter and I am in a weekly 4 man duck blind. Because of Scout’s consistent dedication and performance, he is the exclusive retriever that is used in our blind. This is impressive because 2 of the other guys in the blind also have retrievers. He consistently retrieves a 4 man limit plus a few rouge Coots and typically has to retrieve a few additional birds for a near by blind. Thanks again for for my good buddy. I hope y’all have a Merry Christmas. Austyn Swisher
May 24th, 2017
We got our beautiful blonde from you in December of 2013 (one of Tango's pups). She is incredibly smart and knows when it's time to go to work during duck hunting season. Ember is a family dog and is never short on giving affection. She always has an intense look to her but I will say we've never had a better dog. Thanks for giving us our December to remEMBER! <3
Hi Sue,
Congratulations to you, Greg & of course Tango!! Sounds like a really nice litter & I will certainly pass the word. Glad that mom and babies are doing well, love the mix, 8 girls/2 boys, that will be fun to watch the personalities develop in that bunch:) Our dogs are doing well, still training. Cherry is just beginning to run Qualifying stakes, she is currently down south. Rock It is too, he will run Derbys soon. We were just up in WI to see them, they are very happy with their trainer:) Rock It jammed his first derby,with me, at Wolverine in August. So far so good:) I'll keep you posted. I'm in touch with Linda frequently, she likes her pup Zing, he's a beautiful big boy & talented too:) Jim & I & kids are well and I hope you & Greg & family are too:) I'll keep in touch, God bless & take care, Pam (Rugby & Tango pups)
I left a phone message on this yesterday. Zeus got his SH this weekend. He passed 5 for 6 and got lots of compliments.
What a combination these two parents were! Java is ON FIRE. We had here out for opening day at our club on 9/1/13 (way too hot!). We were only out for an hour, but she made the other three dogs that were with us look like amateurs!
Lee W. Clarbour
Sue, So this is a silly photo if Worf ( dog in the middle) playing with our daughter Teresa. But, I just wanted to let you know he earned his WC today at the Golden Retriever Club of Central NY test. He slammed it--totally overqualified for the test.
His training is coming along very well. He is through basics and beginning to run water & land blinds. If all goes well I will run him in senior in the spring and maybe master in the fall.
More importantly he is a wonderful boy. I can't tell you how much joy he brings to us. He is glue at my side, a pleasure to spend time with and a handsome guy. Ann
Hi Susan and Greg!
I just wanted to give you an update on our Sadie from Cali&Clyde Litter of Jan 19 2011 Litter. First of all I have to tell you how impressed we are of Sadie and all that she can do!! She is a wonderful , sweet family dog! She is so good around other dogs and humans! Then I take her to obedience classes and she excels in both classes at the top of the class, and she is so young! Then our daughter put her in two agility classes and we find out she excels again, and she turns out to be a " potential-excellent weave poler". She loves it! We made our own agility equipment for her at home and she is great at it all! Now we have her at a gundog training. Well again she is excelling! She was the most birdiest dog in the field in her group! She was retrieving the birds back the first week. They had her over gun/ birds this week and our now finishing her 2nd week of training and they are starting her training for Junior Hunt tests today! She was going to the large pond of water and retrieving ducks this afternoon! She is an amazing golden retreiver. She is so pretty and the perfect size! It was so hard to leave her at gundog training. I cried off and on a few days. Our old boy golden Sam who is 10 yrs. missed her too! Thankyou so much for all the hard work you do and the care you put into your breeding of excellent golden retrievers! You truly produce amazing goldens for hunting and family dogs! Looking forward to her working on her Junior Hunting title next!!
Kevin and Tammy Johnson
La Crescent, Mn
Just wanted to let you know Harley (RugbyxTango) has earned his AKC junior hunter title. He also has 10 HRC points and 2 rally novice passes. We are continuing to work toward seniors and maybe some derbies in the fall. He is fairly tall and a very athletic 75 pounds.Wonderful marker and eager to please. Hope all is well up there.
Norin Borke
Thank you so much for all your time and energy spent in caring for these animals but especially for dealing with folks like myself who need every question answered and every concern handled. You will come highly recomended. We will do our best to care for this golden as well as you do.
Thank you again and God Bless,
Reji Puthenveetil
Cali x Clyde 2010
Hi all
Opening day (10/2/2010) was exhilarating. Abby was almost 16 months old, and had never retrieved a duck. Shortly after legal shooting, three Redheads came straight in towards the blind, then curled right and followed the “J” hook path of our new Avery Buffleheads, Ringnecks and Bluebills. I managed to scratch down the last bird, but Abby couldn’t see the fall from inside the blind. I put her in the Gunning Johnboat and rowed towards the kill area. At about 20 yards, she spotted the duck on the surface of the water and, with a little encouragement, swam out and made the retrieve back to the boat. I had to hide the duck after she returned to the boat, because it was evident that she desperately wanted to keep that bird in her mouth.
Not too long thereafter, a small drake mallard came in and literally hovered over the new Avery Spoonbill spread. One shot brought it down in the decoys, and Abby left the front of the blind like she knew what she was doing. Part way into the decoy spread, Abby surveyed the water for her duck, and clearly distinguished it from the decoys. Anxiety caused her to grab a mouth full of lily pads on her way to the mallard, but she spit them out and grabbed the mallard with no hesitation….then returned the bird to hand at the blind. Mission accomplished.
The third shot was a long one for Dick, and the bird hit the water under full locomotion. All three of us jumped into the boat and headed across the pond chasing that duck. When we were about 30 yards form Dick’s swimming mallard, Abby went overboard and demonstrated more swimming agility than I had seen in our other Golden’s. After what must have been a 75 yard chase, she caught her quarry and grabbed it by the neck, then promptly delivered it to Dick and I waiting in the boat.
Abby Cadabby is a duck hunter's dream.
Ron & Lyda Jones
Cali x Stanley 2009